AAJA is proud to welcome the new slate of officers for the 2021-2022 term!
AAJA Welcomes New Officers for 2021-2022 Term

AAJA is proud to welcome the new slate of officers for the 2021-2022 term!
FAQs on how to vote in the AAJA elections.
We are excited to announce the candidates for the positions of President, Vice President of Civic Engagement and Vice President of Finance for the 2021-2022. Electronic voting will begin Wednesday, July 22 at 5pm ET with the final results announced at the first ever virtual AAJA Fest.
AAJA will be seeking a slate of new officers for the 2021-2022 term. We will be electing a President, a Vice President of Finance, and a Vice President of Civic Engagement. Nominations are due no later than Monday July 20, no later than 8 p.m. ET. Electronic voting will begin Wednesday, July 22, with the final results announced at AAJA Fest. Candidates for national office can be nominated by any full member in good standing.
We’re excited to provide you with updates about #AAJA20 soon! Until then, we’re taking down our registration website so you don’t have to worry about meeting any deadlines. We’re working hard to ensure that what we are planning for the rest of 2020 is inclusive, productive, and most of all, community-building for our #AAJAfamily. #AAJA20 will look different this year. If … Continue reading 2020 National Convention Update
AAJA is seeking candidates to join its newly revamped MediaWatch committee. MediaWatch holds news organizations accountable to standards of accuracy and fairness in covering Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and AAPI issues. The volunteer-based committee also gets out in front of issues, encouraging good journalism as well as sharing best practices. MediaWatch has long … Continue reading AAJA Seeks Candidates for Revamped MediaWatch Committee
Jin Ding and Leezel Tanglao join AAJA as 2020 National Convention Programming Committee co-chairs.
AAJA seeks a Director of Programs and Partnerships to lead the planning and execution of current and future programs to best meet AAJA’s mission.
Gilles Demptos becomes the first Director of Asia Pacific for AAJA’s Asia Chapter.
The Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA) welcomes new fellows, program leads, coaches and speakers to Catalyst: Elevating Media Founders of Color entrepreneurship program