AAJA is proud to welcome the new slate of officers for the 2021-2022 term!
AAJA Welcomes New Officers for 2021-2022 Term
AAJA is proud to welcome the new slate of officers for the 2021-2022 term!
FAQs on how to vote in the AAJA elections.
We are excited to announce the candidates for the positions of President, Vice President of Civic Engagement and Vice President of Finance for the 2021-2022. Electronic voting will begin Wednesday, July 22 at 5pm ET with the final results announced at the first ever virtual AAJA Fest.
AAJA will be seeking a slate of new officers for the 2021-2022 term. We will be electing a President, a Vice President of Finance, and a Vice President of Civic Engagement. Nominations are due no later than Monday July 20, no later than 8 p.m. ET. Electronic voting will begin Wednesday, July 22, with the final results announced at AAJA Fest. Candidates for national office can be nominated by any full member in good standing.