The Dinah Eng Leadership Fellowship widens opportunities for mid-career AAJA members pursuing the strategies and skills needed to enter news management and advance within its ranks.

Fellows receive up to $1,000 for leadership or management development courses (or financial aid toward attending AAJA’s ELP 2019 in March in New York). Fellowships are to be applied to event/seminar registration fees and, if applicable, can assist with travel, meals and hotel expenses.

About Dinah Eng

Dinah Eng, contributing writer for Fortune Magazine, is the founding director of AAJA’s Executive Leadership Program. She headed the establishment of ELP in 1995 when she was AAJA president. Since then, more than 500 AAJA members have graduated from the program with surveys showing that 55 percent of graduates receive at least one promotion at their company or at a new company after completing ELP.

The ELP class of 2018


Complete the application below by midnight PST on Sunday, December 2. All required materials must be received by the deadline to be considered.

For ELP information, visit the ELP homepage

The ELP application will open in late December/early January.

Fellows will find out their award status by mid-December.


To qualify for the Dinah Eng Leadership Fellowship, each applicant must:

1) Be a current, dues-paying AAJA member

2) Demonstrate leadership potential, or currently hold a management position

3) Be recommended by their supervisor

Note: Candidates must commit to submitting a post for the AAJA website at the end of their training experience that highlights how the fellowship advanced them along their career path.