Covering Asia and Asian Americans
Note: AAJA is in the process of updating this guidance. ALIEN: See ILLEGAL ALIEN. ALL-AMERICAN: Caution. Not a synonym for white. Refers to the best
November 30, 2020
AAJA & SAJA Issue Guidance On Coverage Of VP Nominee Sen. Kamala Harris And Her Racial Identity
AAJA and SAJA urge newsrooms to be mindful in their language of Harris’ multifaceted racial identity and the ways she has described her own upbringing and background.
August 19, 2020
AAJA Calls on News Organizations to exercise care in Coverage of the Coronavirus Outbreak
The Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA) urges journalists to exercise care in their coverage of the coronavirus outbreak in China to ensure accurate and fair portrayals of Asians and Asian Americans.
February 13, 2020
Seven ways to avoid double standard reporting on extremist violence (Report)
AAJA’s Muslim American Task Force provides issues journalists should consider when covering cases of extremist violence, as detailed in a report by The Institute for Social Policy and Understanding.
April 6, 2018